Sunday, March 15, 2009

7 Random Fact


Type 7 random facts about yourself. As long as it's random, it's acceptable. Tag 5 friends after your post. Try not to tag the person who tagged you and try to tag someone that isn't tagged UNLESS YOU DONT HAVE ANYBODY ELSE AND NO OTHER FRIENDS TO TAG. WARNING : This aint a chain. Just out of random since it's about random stuff. Copy and paste this before ur random facts.

1. I LOVE to dance alot, the type of dance I LOVE the most is bboy.But hip hop not bad. Just the steph it hard to forget. Bboy you need to risk and dare to face your pain. And seriously must not give up if you fall.

2. I love to hang out with friend on my free time. First place you can find me is at Tanjung Bunga Q zone,it a cyber cafe. Play dota with friend there. For non member 1 hour Rm2 & for member 1 hour Rm1.50.Dota rock!!!

3. I love her. She has shot hair. Abit shorter then me. She's cute. Forever ever & ever & ever will love her. Never regreat loveving her for all this time.

4. Why am I talking about love?!

5. I go a few best friend only. They are Wayne, David, Joycelyn, Steph, Sherleen, Amos, Derek, Joshua, Charmaine & Rachel.

6.Lee Chong Wei finaly defeat Lindan in Switzeland. lol. This is totaly random.

7. On mei, At Dewan Sri Penang. I'm performing dance. Pls support ya. HBC member that I know, I need your support.


Joycelyn (xD)

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